„Four weddings and a funeral“-the movie

von mariasf203

„Four Weddings and a funeral“ is a british comedy which was published in 1994.


The action takes place in London where the friends Charles, Gareth Matthew, Tom, Fiona, Scarlett and David live.

One day all friends are on a wedding and Charles meets Carrie, a woman from America. After spending a night together she tells him that she is going back home.

After a long time on another wedding he Charles meets Carrie againg. He sees her with her new man and realises that he fell in love with her.

The third wedding takes place on a castle in Scotland where Carrie and her fiancé marry. Meanwhile Fiona confesses her love to Charles but he doesn’t share this feeling. Unfortunatly Gareth dies from a heartattack on this wedding and on the funeral Charles and Carrie meet again.

In the end there is a fourth wedding which is supposed to be the wedding of Charles and Henrietta. A little time before the ceremony starts Carrie tells Charles that she left her husband.

The confused Charles does not know what to do, so at the ceremony his friend explains with the sign language that Charles loves another woman. After hearing this Henrietta punches Charles to the ground

The story ends with the scene where Carrie comes to Charles home and he asks her to NOT marry her and she agrees.